Monday, March 2, 2009

Kat's 2nd Birthday Party

I'm finally putting pictures on from Kat's 2nd birthday party that we had on February 7. It was a Wall-E theme party. She loves that movie. So we had a Wall-E cake and cupcakes. At first I wasn't happy with how the cake turned out, but after looking at it long enough I was pleased with how I did.
Kat enjoyed her pizza and juice.

She also had fun playing with the party blowers. Thankfully they didn't make noise for as much as some of the kids were blowing on them.

She had fun checking out the many presents that were waiting for her to open.

One of her favorite presents as soon as she opened it was the baby doll on the back of the tricycle. She loves the bike too. She just really loved that baby doll from the start. Of course it was one of the first presents she opened so we had a hard time keeping her interested in the rest of the presents that needed to be opened still. Mommy and Jessie had to help a bit.

After presents we had the usual cake and ice cream. Kat blew out her candle all by herself this year, and she did it very well.

Then her cousin Ryan H. helped her with her cupcake. As you can see from the other cupcake pictures she takes after her Papa Dreier with her love of frosting.
After cake it was on to enjoying the presents again. Kat was trying to put one of her doll shoes on her own foot. She loves to play with shoes, no matter what size they are. Then Jessie helped her to play with her toys.
I just had to put this picture of Ryan C. on. He kept trying to avoid having his picture taken by Bepa (my dad), but he still got a few good pictures of Ryan.
Kat enjoyed tea with Mema after most of her guests had left. Kat just loves pouring that tea.Finally Kat played with her balloons in her Eve (from Wall-E) pj's before bed. Kat had a great time at her party. I can't believe that my baby is 2 years old now. I've been told all along by others that the time goes so fast. I believed them and I knew it would go fast, I just didn't know it would be this fast. I swear just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital weighing only 7 lbs. 12 oz. Both girls are growing so fast. We just enjoy the time while we can. I'm sure before we know it we will have 2 teenage girls in our house and "enjoying" that time too.

I didn't want to leave Jessie out of this post so I thought I would include a picture of her with her BFF, Aunt Ellen. She had a lot of fun with you when you were here Ellen. She's already talking about seeing you when you come back again, and the fact that you will bring her her own bathrobe:)