Saturday, October 29, 2011

A fun play day with Mema and Bepa

These pictures are from a fun play day with Mema and Bepa a couple days before school started for the year. We enjoyed a little skating and baseball on one of our last summer days.

Bepa worked with Kat on her hitting skills. She did pretty good for one of her first times actually working on skills and not just goofing around. She paid attention to Bepa's directions pretty well for a 4 year old. I think we have another softball player in the works here.

Mema was helping Jessie work on her skating. This is her first pair of skates and she's only used them a few times. She loves to get out on them and practice.

Here's the ball...keep your eye on the ball...'s the pitch...

...and the hit!!

Good job fielding Bepa!

Back and forth on the street.

Well padded too, in case of any falls:)

Looking cool in those shades. Notice it's all pink, even on the skates.

Had to take a break and pose.

Time to take a break from skating. Now we have a catcher, pitcher, batter, and I think Jessie's job was manager.

She was concentrating so hard on watching the ball, also had the stance down pretty well.

Another great face while watching the ball. Or it was her swinging face while she put all her strength behind it :)

This is what we've seen more of in Jessie's little league pictures...eyes closed while swinging at the ball. This was after the hit by the way.

Still in her manager job!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Some August fun

Jessie had her friend Sammy over one day and they were having a lot of fun with their lunches...

...what big smiles they have!

Then they decided to dress up in some of Jessie's old halloween costumes.

Jessie out watching the guys build our shed.

What a swing she has...

...ok this was more how she was actually hammering.

Notice her feet feet as she helps Papa by holding some nails. Those are daddy's shoes:)

Princess Kit Kat

Those teeth are finally starting to come in.

Jessie crammed Mickey in there, we don't know why.

Painting her section of the shed.

Jessie got a little bigger section, but not much.

Last day of Nature Center camp. They're playing games here.

So nice to eachother...for now at least.

Doing the "Junk Report" at the end of the day.

What a great time!!

More July fun

So here are a few random pictures from July.

Helping daddy wash mommy's car. Jessie "got in the way" of the hose once. I have a feeling it wasn't an accident.

Not the best smile and eyes going on here, but still an adorable kid.

She does a good job washing too.

A very wet kid!

She even does tires!

And Kat was scrubbing good too!

A bit of a goofy smile here.

Just plain having fun.

Synchronized jumping :)

Thanks for the pool...I LOVE it!!

Hard to believe a few weeks ago she wouldn't even get off the steps without a cube on her back. Now she's jumping off the diving board....

...and swimming in the deep end!

Cannon ball!!

Kindleberger Festival Parade

Jessie got to be in the Kindleberger Festival Parade at the beginning of July with her girl scout troop. Just one of the nice things of living in a small town...the local parades. She's been in 2 little league parades and now the festival parade at only 7 years old. What a lucky kid :). Ok so it's not really that big a deal, but she loves it!

Here's Kat in a smiling mood while we wait for the parade to start.

Here come the fire trucks and police ya think they're loud?? :)

Jaessie walking with her troop. She's the second girl to the right of the banner.

Of course she had to come over to give Kat some more candy in her bag. Like she really needed more.

And then walking away. I know it's just her back, but from here you can see more of the patches she earned and how nice her hair turned out:)

Sorry I couldn't resist putting this one in dad. :)

Mema helping Kat clean the candy up off the road.

Jessie walking at the end of the parade, that was a long walk on some shoes that really weren't that broken in. She earned a few blisters for the fun!