Wednesday, June 16, 2010

May and some June with Jessie's dance recital

These are the butterflies the girls "grew". We got them as caterpillars and watched them change into Painted Lady Butterflies.

Getting ready to release our butterflies.

Kat trying to get the butterfly that landed on the bush to get on her finger.

Jessie holding a butterfly...

a closer view.

I'm trying to get the butterfly to stay on her finger, but it flies off before staying on her hand.

Jessie's ballet class on her last day of class before her recital. This is the class picture in their costumes.

Jessie a little closer.

Jessie reading to Kat in Jessie's room. They didn't know I was taking this picture.

Jessie on recital day.

Chatting with friends before the show.

Doing her technical ribbon dance on stage.

Dancing around the stage during their second dance.

Our beautiful ballerina after the show with her flowers. She was very excited to get these flowers, it was the first time she got flowers. The carnations were from Mommy, Daddy and Kat and the rose was from Aunt Patti, Uncle Jeff, and the boys. She loved having those flowers on her dresser for well over a week.

Our princesses. Jessie has some fake nails on, we don't let her grow them that long.

Jammie day watching TV.

Jessie on the field for a game.

Kat watching the game with Grandma.

Waiting for that ball, what a good stance!

Jessie reading to Kat again. Such a great big sister, she loves to read to Kat.

Beginning of T-Ball season

Jessie and her friend Kelly posing together before getting team pictures taken.

Kat and her best friend Morgan (Kelly's sister) playing with pine cones while the big girls get their pictures taken.

Team Geno's getting ready for their picture.

Jessie all done up before the opening day parade starts.

In the truck and ready to go.

Jessie's team passing by us in the parade. Jessie is the first girl in from the front of the truck.

Kat picking up some of the candy off the road with Mema.

Running on the field as the team is announced for the opening ceremonies. Jessie is in the middle, and Kelly is on the right.

The whole team running off the field.

Jessie in postion, ready to catch the ball at her first game on opening day.

Kat and Morgan watching the game with their silly faces.

Jessie after her second hit.


Jessie wearing her hat low. It makes me think of her Uncle Phil when he played Little League. I remember he used to wear his hat low too.

Kat and Morgan hanging out during the game.

Easter 2010

Kat coloring her eggs with crayons before Jessie dips them in the dye.

Jessie using a crayon on her eggs too.

Lots of colorful eggs and the girls can't wait... Jessie is peeling her egg to eat and...

Kat is digging in.

The girls weren't in a posing mood Easter morning. This was the best one that showed both dresses and both girls decently.

Annual egg hunt at Grandma and Papa Dreier's. Jessie's very happy to run around and grab as many eggs as she can.

Kat really got into it this year. She was running all over the place to grab eggs.

Playing catch with daddy after Easter dinner. Gotta get ready for her first season of T-Ball.

Kat hanging out while Jessie plays catch.

February/March finally

Kat getting ready to jump in the pool at swim class

Jessie during free time at swim class. I think she was about to jump in, or get some pool toys from the storage room.

Jessie in 1st postion during ballet class. She really was having fun, she just didn't want to smile for the camera.

"I'm 3!" Kat opening presents on her birthday morning, notice the bed head.

Kat loving her new kaleidoscope at her birthday party.

Blowing out the candles.

Jessie sledding with daddy.

Kat sledding with daddy.

Kat making snow angels when she was done sledding. She only went down the hill once, then she said she was done.

Jessie after going down the hill.

Kat in her new big girl bed that she inherited from Jessie. She loves having so much room now.

Jessie in her new bigger girl bed. We fit a full size bed in her room somehow. This is the one she'll have until college. She's finally starting to spread out more in it. She used to always hug the side, but now she stretches in the middle more.